Roboweek Day One - Robotic Teamwork
Roboweek is here! A robot’s equivalent to Hanukkah (or something along those lines). And that means I have the first robot for RoboTechEd’s roboweek celebration! These robots were made at the Institute...
View ArticleRoboweek Day Two - Technological Overkill
I’m not sure if you’re subscribed to Robot Magazine (if you’re not, you should be), but if so then you’ll recognize our second Roboweek #robotofnote - DARwIn OP. The OP in this little humanoids name...
View ArticleRoboweek Day Three - Self Replicating Printers
RoboTechEd’s third #robotofnote for Roboweek isn’t a stereotypical robot. It doesn't walk, talk, or really have much user feedback. But what it lacks it makes up with it's ability to create. Makerbot...
View ArticleSamsung Series 5 - Making the iPad Retro
Most people believe that the Samsing Series 5 Chromebook is a tad overpriced ($500 for the 3G version). Because the software is completely free, I can understand why. But the specs of the Chromebook...
View ArticleNew Arduino - The Uno +1
Last weekend at MakerFaire NYC (which I wish I went to), the Arduino people announced a few new products, which I’m pumped to use; but one board stands out - the Arduino Due. Although the name shows...
View ArticleChromeOS Getting Ready for Tablets?
Chrome released a new home page for all beta and dev users a few days ago and it seems like an oddly familiar interface. Maybe you would agree, take a look at the pic below. Yeah, the old scroll...
View ArticleThe Uno32 - A Cheaper and Better Arduino
If you’re looking for a solid new Arduino with better specs, then you should check out the ChipKIT Uno32 by Digilent. The Uno 32 has over double the regular Uno’s IO pins (20 vs 42), a much faster...
View ArticleArduino Based Computer Temp Sensing
The ProblemI bought a new graphics card for my computer recently, just to realize I didn’t have a power supply large enough to properly power the new card - causing it to overheat (temporarily, I...
View ArticleInstalling Ubuntu on a Series-5 Chromebook
Dualbooting the Samsung Series-5 (I have the 3G version) with Ubuntu is actually a lot easier than expected and is almost the same as dualbooting on the CR-48 (Google’s beta program to Chromebooks)....
View ArticleBootloading an Atmega328 with an Arduino Uno
My most recent hack required a second microprocessor, something much smaller than your standard off-the-shelf Arduino. After some research I decided to use an Arduino’s ATmega328 chip due to it’s ease...
View ArticleSiri Hacked - Cheaper iPhone4s' Incoming
Unless you’ve been living under a rock you probably know about Apple’s newest iPhone - the iPhone4s. The name really hasn’t changed much besides the ‘s’ slapped on the end and to be honest the hardware...
View ArticleUpdated Petman -World's Most Realistic Humanoid
Boston Dynamics just uploaded a new video on youtube of their newest revision of ‘Petman’ which is a robot used to replicate human movement for military testing. The newest revision of Petman broke...
View ArticleGoogle to Release Own Antivirus?
Google is leading innovation when it comes to the web and isn’t afraid to get involved in anything and everything they can be. With that said, a video was recently posted on Google’s Youtube page...
View ArticleMy Robot Nation - After My Own Heart
Not everyone has access to a 3D printer, and the people who do, rarely offer their services at reasonable prices. Now a company called ‘My Robot Nation’ is offering custom 3D prints of custom made...
View ArticleRoboTechEd Finally Has a Facebook Page!
Are you running out of cool things to 'Like' on Facebook? Is your news feed lacking your daily dose of nerdy news? Or maybe you've been searching FB for months for a RoboTechEd page (which I'm sure...
View ArticleBuilding a Gaming Rig for Under $600
A few weeks ago my friend asked me to design him a custom gaming desktop for under $600 that could handle Starcraft II on Ultra settings. Being the arrogant nerd that I am, I took the challenge and...
View ArticleUsing an ATtiny to Save Space and Money
Have you ever needed a microprocessor that is easy to use but isn't as large and bulky as your Arduino? Or maybe you just don’t want to put a bunch of unnecessary money into a project and using a full...
View ArticleOnLive's PlayPack Free for a Month Thanks to GameSpot
Thanks to my friends at OnLive Informer I discovered Gamespot’s OnLive PlayPack offer. If you’re unfamiliar with OnLive then you should know that OnLive is a video game streaming service, which enables...
View ArticleAdafruit's ATmega Pinout Can Save You Troubleshooting Time
Ever have problems identifying pins on IC chips? Does constantly looking at the data-sheet just annoy you? Then, counting the individual pins causes you to have hours of debugging - just to find that...
View ArticleEXOdesk - The First Desk You Have to Plug-In
Chances are we all have one, and chances are it doesn’t need to get plugged into the wall...yet. The desk is an ancient invention that we use today, often with some piece of technology on top. That’s...
View ArticleEverything You Need to Know About MegaUpload’s Shutdown
A few days ago the FBI stormed into MegaUploads’s headquarters and arrested 7 of the companies top executives. They seized millions of dollars in goods as seen in the Indictment, as well as all of the...
View ArticleHow-To: Fix Track-pad in Ubuntu on a Chromebook
If you followed my post on how to install Ubuntu on a Chromebook, then I’m sure you were less-than-impressed with the track-pad. It acts unresponsive at times, and the multi-touch just isn't there....
View ArticleGoogle Finally Releases Chrome for Android
Yesterday Google announced their new web browser for Android - Chrome. Google Chrome Beta is only available at the moment for Android devices running 4.0 (Ice-Cream Sandwich), meaning that almost every...
View ArticleEverything You Need to Know About the Raspberry Pi
The online tech community is wild about the soon-to-be released Raspberry-Pi. The cleverly named device is a $25 Linux computer that is the size of a credit card (right). With impressive specs and even...
View ArticleMaking Your DROID Into Your Microprocessor: Part 1
Whether you’re an android developer and want to get into microcontrollers, or you know your microprocessors but want to dive into android apps; the IOIO has something for you. SparkFun’s IOIO...
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